Frozen Mintable Custodial Wallet!

Is your Mintable Wallet frozen? Find out why and how to un-freeze it.

If you see this screen, don't be scared - It just means that you're ready to take the next step on your Web3 journey!

Your wallet will be frozen in a few situations:

  1. When you have made a successful NFT sale and the wallet receives funds;

  2. When you have made a deposit of funds into your wallet;

  3. When someone else has transferred funds to your wallet;

  4. When you tried to take custody of the custodial wallet but failed due to various reasons.

In such situation, no one will have access to the wallet and the assets stored inside, including Mintable. This is because Mintable wants to ensure that your assets in the Mintable custodial wallet are safe and secured.

To re-gain access to the wallet and its contents, all you need to do is take custody of the wallet.

Last updated